Four brain things that makes a memorable pitch deck

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2 mins 30 sec
Arun Thangavel

Wendy Suzuki,  in one of her interviews aboutneuroplasticity, shares something very crucial to understanding 'why some ideas stick and some do not'. If you are a founder preparing your next pitch deck, ora creator working on the next work - do take notes. These four aspects are thebasis of our brain's wiring system. I have been applying my craft in tellingfounders' stories and on everyday things and it is quite remarkable.

Here you go,

1.     Novelty

Putting a ‘novelty’ in presentinga pitch deck can be anything. It can be a groundbreaking new idea. It can bethe visual approach in the design. It can also be a new approach in the GTMstrategies.

It needn’t always be aboutre-inventing the wheel. It is about seeing things in a new light.

2.     Association

People always want to feel likeinsiders when it comes to information. Show the investor something like that“Hey I have seen this one. This is a classic”.  If they are industryagnostic make your entire deck like ‘Explain to me like I am an expert'. Ourbrain likes association.

3.     Emotional Resonance

Humankind came into existence byco-operation. We are empathetic creatures. So, anything, not sparing the pitchdeck, will fall short if it is not solving an emotional real-world problem. Itcan be pitching a product that predicts early diabetics, something that ensuresair traffic or anything that connects at a human level. Make sure it isgenuine.

4.     Repetition

A presentation should recallcertain aspects of the product or problem or have a recurring theme for theinvestor to remember you during the shower. It is not about over-emphasizing itto death. It is about having a rhythm to it.

A-rose-is-a-rose-is-a-rose hasstuck well since the Shakespearean days.

All that said these four are like the sugar and salt ofhaving a narrative. How you make a recipe entirely depends on the conviction ofyour idea.


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